Ted Shimer | Porn Addiction and Recovery

One of the most important issues facing men, marriages, and our entire society right now is the challenge of porn addiction among people both outside and inside the church. There are powerful studies and statistics showing how this issue is becoming even more of a challenge on a daily basis, and we discuss how to recover from this addiction.

Please know this episode deals with mature content, it is not appropriate for young children. If you listen to this show with your kids, please know that while there is no inappropriate language in this episode, we are discussing adult topics, and we do not suggest children listen to this conversation.

Ted Shimer has mentored men since 1991 with the collegiate ministry Student Mobilization. He received his Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Dallas Seminary and was trained as a Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional-Supervisor. Ted has helped people overcome the bondage of pornography in the context of making disciples. Ted is the Founder of The Freedom Fight, an online porn addiction recovery program. Ted and his wife Amber have four adult children and live in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Questions Answered:

  • How do you define porn?
  • What is your story of creating The Freedom Fight?
  • Can someone have an addiction to porn?
  • What are some of the slow deaths that pornography leaves in its wake?
  • How common is porn use within the church for members and leaders?
  • Why does the church need to address porn use and addiction?
  • How does your organization help pastors who are dealing with porn in their own lives?
  • What opportunities within the church exist to lead pastors and men through these challenges?
  • What are suggestions for men to begin recovery without shame or judgement?
  • What is some of the brain science on how porn addictions develop?
  • How does a man’s porn use impact his wife and his marriage?
  • What do you suggest for a wife of a man who is struggling with this addiction?
  • How is porn impacting kids today?

Important Links:

You can learn more about The Freedom Fight here.

You can sign up for the free 30-day Freedom Fight Challenge here.

You can read stories of victory from people who have recovered from this addiction here.

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