Paul Evans | Creating Your Christian Life Plan

Finding purpose in our lives, becoming great leaders, living balanced lives, and building a biblically based life plan are some of the challenges we face in this world today, and Paul Evans, author, speaker, and creator of the 1010 Christian Life Plan has answers on how we can do each of them.

Paul has been in ministry for over 30 years, serving at the local church level and internationally through over 100 missions including serving as Executive Director.

He opened his first business at age 20, a fitness center, and has been an owner or partner in seven additional businesses since then.

He is the author of nine books including Success is NOT an Accident! and God Loves Short People, and he is a contributing writer for Business Insider and

Paul has created over 25 courses for business and personal development, including the 1010 Christian Life Plan.

Questions Answered:

  • What is a biblically based life plan?

  • What is your story of creating the 1010 Christian Life Plan?

  • Why is it hard for men to find their purpose?

  • What’s a primary difference between older and younger generations?

  • How does Body, Belief, and Business relate into my life plan?

  • How does a man live a balanced life?

  • In what ways does John 10:10 relate to a man’s purpose for his life?

  • What does it mean to decrease reactive thinking?

  • How would you describe a servant leader?

  • As a man, how should I lead others?

  • What’s the difference between how men deal with physical versus emotional challenges?

Important Links:

You can connect with Paul at his website here.

You can enroll in Paul’s 1010 Christian Life Plan for free here.

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