Mitch London | God’s Government

Politics today plays a major part in nearly every aspect of our world. As Christian men, we’re called to navigate this world with wisdom and with our eyes on the Kingdom of God. But does that mean that we’re to ignore world politics, or be involved in politics? What does God have to say about government? How are we to live under the authority of a worldly ruler, even if that ruler is evil? Our guest today has amazing insights into these questions, and lots more in this important discussion

Mitch London’s journey is a roller coaster ride familiar to many. A smooth start, twists and turns, big drops, places where it feels out of control, times when the speed really picks up, and times when it seems like everything has almost stopped. But like most great rides, he would do it all over again.

In Jan of 2019 Mitch received a vision from God to start a Men’s Ministry called Just Add Wilderness. God was showing Mitch how men today have lost their Identity in Christ, which has resulted in stagnation, depression, and frustration. Mitch has been guiding men to a deeper understanding of their identity of Christ Jesus and watching them break free from the bondages of life. Helping Men became a mandate, not a market.

As a pastor, Mitch really understood the vital need for relationships and connections within the body of Christ. The life on life and heart to heart discipleship that’s needed was his passion.

Today Mitch is the founder of Spirit Led Coaching where he helps Ministry and Business Leaders partner with the Holy Spirit and learn how to steward the gifts that God has already placed within them.

Questions Answered:

  • What does “God’s Government” mean?

  • How does ‘they kingdom come” practically relate to the idea of God’s Government?

  • What are some of the mandates Jesus gave to us?

  • How are Christians to follow the mandate to take ground for the King?

  • Should a Christian man be concerned with Earthly politics?

  • What are the next steps for a man leading his family through these times?

  • Can you explain what authority a man has been given?

  • Is there a conflict between using my authority and choosing to give my burden to Jesus?

  • How are people to act when subjected to an evil ruler?

  • What does it mean to give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s?

  • Where should a man start on the challenge of politics and God’s government?

Important Links:

To find out more about Mitch and his work visit:

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