Mike Povenz | Practical Knowledge for Married Men

Starting out in marriage can be a challenge. There are so many new things to navigate and to learn about one another. Too often we think that we can just figure out marriage on our own, solving each new challenge when it happens. But wouldn’t it be better to do some planning, some preparing, and some learning, in order to have some practical knowledge in our marriages? Our guest today wrote a book that provides just that.

Mike Povenz has a passion for helping men discover the best version of themselves and for guiding them to be better husbands and fathers. He is the founder of Modern Chivalry Men an organization inspiring men to positive change and community involvement, and he is the host of the Iron and Cotton podcast. Mike has served for years as a men’s group leader and is the recipient of the Life Changer Award. He lives in North Georgia with his beloved wife of 20 years, and they’re the proud parents of three children, along with 3 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 4 chickens, and 1 psychotic fish. Mike loves the outdoors, fishing, boating, skiing, cooking on cast iron, and time with family and friends.

Questions Answered:

  • What is your story of being anti-faith to pursuing God?

  • What has Romans 12:2 meant to you?

  • Share the story of what led you to write your book?

  • How does the regular guy learn about marriage?

  • Can you expand on the idea of how much time guys spend on planning their marriage?

  • How should men consider the idea of relationships with other couples?

  • What is healthy arguing in a marriage?

  • What are the five core beliefs that impact marriages?

  • How are screens and social media impacting marriages?

  • How do I make my marriage better by working on myself?

  • What are the big three issues you write about in your book?

  • What can guys do to protect their marriages today?

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