Lance Salazar | Improve Your Marriage by Improving Yourself

When your back is against the wall and you know your marriage needs to be improved, what is your first step? For lots of guys it is to look at their spouse first, but that isn’t the best way forward. The best way is to look in the mirror and to get to work on improving yourself. Our guest today shares his own story of having his back against that proverbial wall and what he did to not only improve his relationship, but to create powerful marriage.

Lance Salazar learned the hard way that marriage changes after children. After being separated and almost calling it quits, he and his wife Brandy recommitted and rebuilt their marriage from the ground up. They now have more connection, passion, and fun than they thought possible! As the Co-authors of The Miracle Morning for Couples, they’re on a mission to share their journey and build a community with other parents who are ready to recommit and create the marriage they desire. Using their Four Relationship Elements philosophy as the foundation, they have created resources, tools, and courses that can be found at

Questions Answered:

  • What is your story that led you to work with men on improving their marriages?

  • How did attending a live event become a catalyst for you to improve yourself and your marriage?

  • How do men change their mindset of fixing themselves to fix their marriages?

  • What are the ways that expectations impact relationships and marriages?

  • What are some suggestions on how to communicate needs and desires with a spouse?

  • How is there power in the idea of Dating Your Wife on a regular basis?

  • What is Emotional Intelligence and how does it impact your relationships?

  • In what ways can codependency harm a marriage?

  • What are the first steps a man can take on his journey to improve his marriage?

  • Why does starting with me give me the best foundation for making my marriage better?

Important Links:

Get the Miracle Morning for Couples book:

Learn more about Lance and Brandy’s work:

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