John Williams | The Current Reality of Teen’s Mental Health

One of the most important issues of our time is the mental health of our kids. The statistics are not encouraging right now, as rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide continue to rise. This is not something that can be ignored or that we can just hope will change on its own. And this is something that we, all of us, need to talk about and be aware of. Our guest today has years of experience in working with kids, working with teens, and creating positive changes in their lives.

John Williams wasn’t raised under the best circumstances; he never met his biological father and from a young age he often had to take care of himself. Despite that, he has become an unshakable visionary who sees the world as it could be. He teaches students that they are more than their circumstances, and that they have what it takes to achieve their dreams. He does this by sharing his story and equipping them with the tools to face whatever life may throw at them. This is why he created Life That Counts, a nonprofit with the mission of helping students make better decisions for more healthy outcomes.

Questions Answered:

  • What is mental health?

  • What is your story from a child to where you are now?

  • How do we work through the challenge of such an increase in teen suicide?

  • In what ways has the COVID response impacted our kids?

  • How is cyber bullying impacting teens today?

  • Who are the kids that you look to as leaders in the work that you do?

  • How can we help our kids to make better decisions?

  • What are the ways we can begin talking about mental health issues with our own children?

  • Can you explain what you do with Life That Counts?

Important Links:

Learn more about Life That Counts:

Watch John’s TEDx Talk:

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