Doug Garasic | Leading Your Family in Worshipping God

Leading your family is one of the greatest honors and responsibilities we have as men. In this episode, my guest is Doug Garasic, the founding pastor of Rust City Church, with locations in Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. In addition to leading Rust City, he travels around the country to coach and invest in other pastors and leaders. He’s also part of the lead team for Church Boom and founder of Rust City College.

Doug authored his first book, Notorious: The Gospel Jesus Intended, in 2014 and released his second book, Wayside: The Last Place You’d Expect to Find God, in 2019. He was never a big reader, so his goal was to make his books enjoyable to read, easy to understand, and encourage anyone who is just discovering Jesus or known about him for a long time to get a fresh perspective on who God is and what he has for your life.

He also enjoys binge-watching documentaries, talking to his fantasy football buddies, and spending time with his wife and three boys.

Questions Answered:

  • What does it mean for a man to lead his family?
  • How do men and women work best at helping on another?
  • How to reach to the push back on men leading at home?
  • What does it look like to lead my family on a daily basis?
  • How should I pray for my wife and my kids?
  • What changes in me when I choose to follow Jesus?
  • What does it mean to follow Jesus on a daily basis?

Important Links:

Learn about Rust City church here.

Connect with Doug at his website here

Purchase Doug’s book: Wayside at Amazon here.

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