
Daniel Berry | Hope For The Hurting Marriage

It’s not difficult for a marriage to hit a rough patch. And sometimes that leads to a seriously hurting marriage. But for all marriages, in that rough patch or not, there is hope. My guest today is Daniel Berry, author of the book Hope for the Hurting Marriage. We discuss a wide range of marriage topics all leading to the conclusion that there is hope, very real hope. It’s an important conversation that I look forward to sharing with you. So let’s get started.

Daniel Berry is a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ, an honored husband and a grateful father. A former journalist, he has written professionally for nearly 20 years. Daniel struggled with alcoholism and other addictions for more than a decade before he started to make progress and experience healing. God restored his broken marriage and changed him from someone who frustrates others to someone who encourages instead.

Daniel has published multiple books to date: HOPE for the Hurting Marriage, Devotions for Dark Days, Devotions for Darker NightsDiary of a Christian Addict, and 50 Lies of the Enemy (and How to Silence Them).

Questions Answered:

  • What does it mean to replace the bad with good in your marriage?
  • Why use a broken and repaired vase on the cover of your book?
  • Share a bit of your story up to the point of growing up and changing your name?
  • What do you recommend to a man who is dealing with an addiction while married?
  • What if both husband and wife are dealing with wounds and addictions?
  • How do you help your spouse who is addicted?
  • What do you mean to embrace peace instead of anger?
  • How does stopping and returning to prayer stop a conflict?
  • Is there ever a time to walk out of the room during a conflict?
  • What is an example of an effective conflict plan for a marriage?
  • What’s the difference between a trigger and a conflict?
  • How did porn impact your marriage?
  • How did you find a good accountability partner?
  • Can your wife be your accountability partner?
  • How did basketball become so meaningful for you?
  • How did you use fasting as part of your marriage breakthrough?
  • How is Jesus your marriage’s only hope?

Important Links:

Find all of Daniel’s books here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Daniel-Berry/author/B0BXV8MFC5

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