Warren Peterson | Welcome to the Significant Man RECHARGE Podcast

Welcome to the Significant Man Recharge show, I’m your host Warren Peterson. This show is designed for Christian men, and my goal is for you to have a great experience listening and learning along the way.

On this show you’ll hear discussions about the issues that matter to Christian men. Between my guests and myself, we’ll cover a wide range of subjects, from sex, to faith, to finances, health, scripture, marriage, parenting, and even into things that may be considered hot button issues of our time.

Together, we’ve got to keep learning, because even though we live in this world, we’re not of this world. We have to learn how to navigate the challenges that the world presents. We have to learn about the important issues of the day, along with going deeper into our individual walks of faith.

To share a bit about me, I’m the founder of Significant Man Ministries and I’ve been working with and mentoring men for quite a long time. I lead live immersion events here in the glorious Colorado mountains where I live, and I also lead a weekly mastermind for Christian men.

I’ve made lots of mistakes over my life, and I’ve learned a ton from the guys I’ve had the privilege of working with. I look forward to going on a journey with you over the lifetime of this show, as we learn together.

Every week I’ll post a new episode with a guest who is here to share a relevant topic with you.

And every now and then I’ll also post an additional episode that’s just me sharing my own thoughts with you.

This show is a place for you to come to get renewed, refocused, restored, and recharged from the chaos, noise, and busyness of life.

So with all that being said, thanks for being here, make sure you subscribe, and let’s get started!

The Fellowship Brotherhood

An exclusive community of like-minded Christian men, who meet each week to learn, laugh, hold each other accountable, and walk through life together.

Join this exclusive brotherhood here.


Four days and three nights of life-changing and intense training for Christian men in the glorious mountains of Colorado.

Apply for this Adventure here.

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  • Subscribe to the Significant Man YouTube channel here
  • Connect directly with Warren here.
  • Purchase Warren’s books here.