Travis Uptegrove | The Power of Brotherhood

Christian Brotherhood impacts every area of a man’s life. And too many men are trying to go through life as the lone wolf, figuring out things by themselves. But men were not created to walk through life alone. We need friends by our side, we need friends to hold us accountable, we need friends who will walk the walk with us.

Having great friends, having a brotherhood you can count on helps you, it helps your sons and daughters, it helps your wife, it helps all around you as you are changed into the man God created you to be. In this episode, my guest answers lots of questions about friendship and Christian Brotherhood, so let’s get started.

Travis Uptegrove has been married for 22 years to his wife, Kristina, and they have four boys, ages 19, 16, 12, and 8. Travis founded Element 26 Men’s Ministry in Chattanooga, TN in 2016 with his annual men’s retreat, and in 2021, he launched his first event in Florida.  The goal of Element 26 is to build a community of men who are striving to have a stronger walk with God, and in the process becoming better husbands, fathers, and men for Christ.

You can learn more about Travis and his ministry at

Questions Answered:

  • What does it mean that a man is called to put his faith into action?
  • What is an example of a man who is putting his faith into action?
  • What is Christian brotherhood?
  • What does it look like to have a brother walk along side you?
  • What do you think about guys who are living life as lone wolves?
  • How did you go from hurting to leading men’s events?
  • What is the role of adventure in men getting together?
  • Do you have an example of something you have seen with the Holy Spirit moving in your events?
  • Is there an example of Biblical brotherhood in the Bible itself?
  • Should we have different kinds of friends in our brotherhood?
  • What do kids learn about a man having his own friends?
  • How did you work through wearing different masks in different situations?
  • How do you cross the line from casual friend to serious brotherhood?
  • What is the power of accountability in brotherhood?
  • How does the marriage of a man who has brotherhood improve?
  • How does brotherhood take weight off the shoulders of our wives?
  • What are the ways our current culture is impacting Christian brotherhood?
  • How does a brotherhood help men talk about the difficult topics?

The Fellowship Brotherhood

An exclusive community of like-minded Christian men, who meet each week to learn, laugh, hold each other accountable, and walk through life together.

Join this exclusive brotherhood here.


Four days and three nights of life-changing and intense training for Christian men in the glorious mountains of Colorado.

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