Theo Zhuang | Men Doing Life Together

One of the most important things for a man is to not do life in isolation. It’s critical to have other men who will have your back, men you can do life together with. From celebrating the high points to supporting during the low points, this life was not meant to be lived alone.

My guest today is Theo Zhuang. Times were tough for him as a child, growing up in Venezuela from the age of 3 to 10 as his parents were missionaries, which was a difficult environment for a boy. And growing up as a pastor’s kid didn’t help him during those years, but began his discovery of his own identity, life purpose, and calling. 

God brough him through various life experiences, from volunteering, to disaster relief, and in each he had an opportunity to take a giant leap of faith. Learning about himself from the inside out, he realized that he was created with unique gifts that made working as a transformational coach and leading the Noble Father community extremely fulfilling.

In his God-given calling, Theo wakes up every morning with a fervor for life, passionately pursuing his deep-seeded purpose, and building a legacy that he intends to leave behind for generations to come.

Questions Answered:

  • What does “doing life together” mean?
  • What are some of the things that get in the way of men sharing their emotions?
  • Share your thoughts on the idea of living life from the inside out?
  • How do you help men find their calling?
  • What was it like interviewing your own father for your podcast?
  • What was something you learned from your father?
  • How was it growing up as a child in Venezuela?
  • How do you help men who struggle with being a lone wolf?
  • What are some ways you lead men to engage and share in community?
  • How do you respond to the idea that a husband has his wife, so he doesn’t need other men as friends in his life?
  • What do you think about a man who says that no one will understand my problem?
  • How do you recommend that guys find other men they can do life with in their towns?
  • How does your faith help you not to worry about what others will say about you?
  • In what ways is social media impacting real friendships?
  • What is the difference between transaction and transformed?
  • What is the role of accountability in a community?
  • What’s the importance of meeting together in person, and not just online?

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