NIck Tallo | Should Christians Judge?

Judge Not, and who are you to judge anyway? That seems to be the current summary of what people think the Bible, and Jesus, had to say about the topic of judgment. But is that true? How is it that Christian judgment so often leads to charges of hypocrisy? Should Christians ever judge? And what is discernment, how does that fit into this topic?

On today’s episode my guest, Nick Tallo shares his perspective on these giant issues of people living the Christian life, so let’s get started.

Nick has been the Executive Pastor at 2Rivers Church for the last 7 years. Prior to that, he was the Associate Pastor at Creekside Place Church in Warrenton, Missouri. He and his wife have four kids from 15 to 4 years old. You can learn more about Nick and his church at

Questions Answered:

  • What is Christian judgment?

  • What are your thoughts on Matthew 7?

  • What is Christian hypocrisy?

  • How do I judge correctly, as a Christian?

  • What is Christian discernment?

  • Do you have an example of gracious discernment?

  • How does knowing the Bible help me as a Christian and judgment?

  • How do you answer the charge of, well who are you to judge?

  • What is the connection between judgment and forgiveness?

  • What should our purpose be as it relates to Christian judgment?

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