Mike Yarbrough | Culture and the State of Manhood in America

We live in an interesting time, when phrases like Toxic Masculinity and The Patriarchy have become so divisive. Men need to have open and honest conversations about the real topics and real issues that are part of our culture. Our guest today does just that. He dives into sharing insights from his book and about the state of manhood in America today.

Mike Yarbrough is an author and entrepreneur. He’s the founder of Wolf & Iron, a site dedicated to helping men heed the High Call on their lives. He also founded Rustic and Main which creates rings from historic woods and other unique materials. And Mike just released a great new book called Tending The Fire that all men need to check out.

Questions Answered:

  • Who were the men that shaped you growing up?

  • How do you describe the state of manhood in America today?

  • When you hear the word patriarchy, what do you think?

  • Did God establish the idea of men leading the home?

  • What are your thoughts on the phrase Toxic Masculinity?

  • How do we help men when there is a changing definition of man?

  • In your book, you have the phrase Political Invertebrates and The Ruling Class, what does that mean?

  • What does it mean for a man to live courageously?

  • How is the church failing men?

  • How does me improving myself as a man change my marriage and parenting?

  • What is something that defines men in this generation?

Important Links:

Find all about Mike and his work at: https://wolfandiron.com/

Get Mike’s Book, Tending the Fire at: https://www.amazon.com/Tending-Fire-Ignite-Your-Heart/dp/1737261529

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