
Mark Foster | Christian Leadership at Home

Leadership is an incredible honor, but leading can be difficult. Leading in the world and leading in the home; there certainly are a lot of challenges that come with leading. Even Jesus, the ultimate example of a leader, he ran into challenges. And one of the things he was willing to do, was risking the love of the people he was called to lead. But he continued leading through that difficulty.

As men, we’re called to be leaders in our homes. But what does that mean? What does that look like? Too often people misuse that idea of leadership, so what’s the correct way, the Biblical way, of leading in the home? How do we become effective Christian leaders?

My guest today has great thoughts and insights on this idea. Mark Foster is a husband, a father, and a pastor in the state of Maine. And we have a great conversation about Christian leadership.

Connect with Mark here:  https://www.facebook.com/markfoster80

Questions Answered:

  • When someone talks about servant leadership, what does that mean?
  • What does “non-leader leadership mean”
  • How is leadership a gift from God?
  • Does a man have a responsibility to be a leader in his home?
  • What practical things does a man do when leading at home?
  • How should a man be the primary instructor in his home when he is not a pastor?
  • How do children learn by observing a father at home?
  • What’s an example of your kids pushing back on a sermon you’ve preached?
  • What are some things about leadership that we learn from Jesus?
  • What are some leadership lessons found within the Bible?
  • Why is it ok that a leader sometimes says, “I don’t know” in a situation?
  • Why is it important a leader does not fall into the lone wolf trap?
  • How do we inspire our children to become leaders themselves?
  • What are some ways that social media impacting leaders in our current culture?
  • What should I be asking myself as a leader?
  • What’s the best thing a man can do as a leader in his home?

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