John Williams | Friends Talking Faith

Today’s show is going to be a bit different from some other episodes. I’m sitting down with a friend of mine to talk about faith, Christianity, modern day heresies, and all sorts of topics. It’s the kind of conversation that I hope more of us have with our friends, and I hope you enjoy listening in on this discussion.

John Williams is a servant of God who strives daily to pick up his cross and follow Christ; contently serving in an upside-down kingdom. The greatest honor he has is the opportunity to study scripture with his wife, disciple his two sons, and serve his community in the name of Christ.  As a former pastor’s kid John has had a front row view of different spins on religious doctrine. Having had many faith crises in his time he was confronted with the dreaded questions, “what do I believe… and why?”  Starting over from scratch, he began at the first place – the only place – that matters:  the text. Since then, he has devoted his time to studying scripture and discipleship, while serving the community.

Questions Answered:

  • What is a heresy?

  • Are we experiencing anything truly new in our society these days?

  • What is original sin and how does it lead to heresy today?

  • If I am basically good, what is the impact of the death of Christ?

  • How can self-help potentially lead to heresy?

  • What do you think about churches who skip the challenging parts of the Bible?

  • Jesus talks about both judgment and love; how do we balance those two?

  • Is the Bible just a book written by a bunch of men and not divinely inspired?

  • How do we discern false teachers and false teaching?

  • What are your thoughts of the prosperity gospel?

  • How does a man start reading and studying the Bible?

  • What about Free Will versus Predestination?

  • What happens when a church becomes overly political?

  • What is panentheism and how does it impact people today?

  • What happens when a man daily spends time in scripture?

Important Links:

The Case for Christ book:

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