John Stange | Life From God’s Perspective

One of the most important skills you can teach yourself, and practice, is to see life from God’s perspective. When you do that, you can see and dwell on the amazing things all around us, every day. Our guest today explains this important idea, along with digging into some deep topics like forgiving yourself and working through negative self-talk.

John Stange is the lead pastor of Core Creek Community Church in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, as well as an adjunct professor at Cairn University, where he teaches courses on counseling, theology, and church planting. John is a certified speaker, trainer, and coach with the John Maxwell Team and is also the director of the National Mission Board, a ministry focused on church planting and church health. He hosts three podcasts, The Chapter-a-Day Audio Bible, Daily Devotions with Pastor John, and Dwell on These Things, which have been collectively downloaded more than five million times.

Questions Answered:

  • What does it mean to talk to yourself like God talks to you?

  • What happens to my heart when I talk negatively to myself?

  • How do I change when I focus on the positive instead?

  • If someone says they don’t hear God, what do you recommend?

  • On a practical level, what does it look like to live a life based on truth?

  • How does a dad influence his children about the idea of what we’re feeding into our minds?

  • What does it mean that conditional love isn’t love at all?

  • How can a man work through forgiving himself?

  • What’s a fun story from your past that came up while writing this book?

  • If there was only one point to take from your book, what is that message?

Important Links:

Find all about John and his work:

Get John’s Book, Dwell On These Things:

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