Five Minute Friday | What Men Wish Women Knew

Today’s episode is going to be different. Most of the people that I speak with on this podcast, most of the listeners, are men. And, most of the people who watch the show on YouTube are also men. But, today’s show, today’s episode is for the ladies. Guys, of course you can listen, but I’m speaking specifically to the ladies here.

I’ve been working with men for quite a long time, and a little while ago I asked them to share some feedback, some things that they wished women knew, things that they wished their wives knew, that they wished ladies knew, in general, about men in their lives. 

It’s going to be very real, very honest. I’ve got lots of quotes, a lot of feedback to give you. This is the sort of thing that could change your relationship, if you really listen to it, so let’s get started.

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