Five Minute Friday | The Power of Wives

This is a fun one today. Something that some men are aware of in their subconscious, but almost never think about, is the truly incredible and powerful impact their wives have on them.

You see, with her by your side, with her in your life, everything is possible. With her in your life, you can (and will) go out and conquer the world, you will build and you will provide her and your family amazing things. With her in your life, you will walk over burning shards of glass and broken nails to protect her.

But on the other hand however, without her by your side, without her in your corner, without her belief in you, feels like there is nothing worth doing. If she is not there, supporting, encouraging, and going through life with you, why bother? Now this might be a new idea, so let me expand on this some.

Men do want to build, they want to create, they want to provide. But, who exactly are they building, creating, and providing for? As men, as husbands, If we’re being totally honest, we know that it isn’t really for ourselves all that often.

We’re doing all that for her, our families, and the future we’re going to enjoy together.

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