Five Minute Friday | The Measure of a Man

The questions that haunt many men may sound simple, but to those of us who are seeking more out of life we know these are anything but simple questions. Are we really men? Are we doing what men are supposed to be doing? Are we living the lives God created us to live? And, how do we measure ourselves as men?

Now often the answers come down to our stuff; so we measure ourselves by the cars we drive, the homes we live in, the vacations we take, and the toys we buy for our family, our friends, and ourselves. 

This is an easy way for us to measure ourselves, because each of these things, all this stuff, is very easy to see and identify. We can visually see the difference between a Ferrari and a Ford. We can visually see the difference between a mansion and a shack. All men can see these differences, and this makes for an easy and quick way to measure success.

However, measuring ourselves by our things leaves a hollow feeling inside, and never really answers those haunting questions we have deep down inside. Measuring by things simply confuses the situation.

Which then raises an obvious follow–up question; since that is so hollow, and since the stuff never really works and leaves men empty inside, how should a man measure himself? How do you measure your success as a man?

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