
Five Minute Friday | The Lone Wolf Dies

I’ve been helping men and working with men for a long time now, from informally helping out guys way back in the 80s (as in the 1900s), through leading live men’s events with Significant Man Ministries today. It is my calling and my passion, and to see the changes in men, and the resulting changes in their marriages and families is humbling.

And one of the things I have learned about Christian men is that we tend to fall for one of the big lies of the enemy. And that lie is that we think we have to do everything by ourselves. We think we are the only ones who could ever understand our problems, and we think we are the only one who has ever had our problems. We think we cannot count on anyone else. We think we have to figure out the solution by ourselves.

And sometimes, if we’re being honest, we like to play this part. We like to be the lone wolf who just gets things done, without anyone else. We like to step back and say, look at what I accomplished. Look at me, I have it all figured out, I am the one who did all of this. And see, I didn’t need anyone else.

But, here is the tough part. Eventually, the lone wolf dies.

The Fellowship Brotherhood

An exclusive community of like-minded Christian men, who meet each week to learn, laugh, hold each other accountable, and walk through life together.

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A Four day and three night life-changing experience and training for married Christian fathers in the glorious mountains of Colorado. 

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Five days and four nights of an incredible and intense backpacking adventure for Christian men in the Colorado mountains. 

Apply for this Adventure here.

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