Five Minute Friday | Politically Incorrect Jesus

Jesus. His name alone raises intense emotions. His name alone causes people to react. There is no other name like his, in all of human history. And in our modern history, people love to assign Jesus to a current political party or to a current political position.

In posts, articles, and videos I’ll see people sharing how they are positive that if Jesus was walking beside them today, that He would vote for person X or party Y. Of course, it just happens to be a coincidence that people also put themselves in the group that would vote for person X or party Y. It never seems to be the case that people think Jesus would vote differently from themselves.

In my work, I’m open with what I believe. I don’t hide it. I am a Christian man. I am an imperfect man who makes mistakes all the time. I believe that I need forgiveness for my sins. I believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God, who died, was buried, and rose from the grave three days later. I believe in Him. He is my lord and my savior. I believe in the Bible. I believe in the clear right and wrong that Jesus taught.

And today, many of those things are considered inappropriate to state. Especially when it comes to the clear right and wrong that Jesus taught. Today we live in a world of the idea where there is no singular truth, and that everyone can have their own truth. We live in a world where the idea of clear right and wrong is frowned upon.

We live in a world where you either agree with the popular view, or you are to be quiet. We live in a world where you either go along with the politically correct view, or you keep things to yourselves. Disagreement is not allowed. And if you disagree with the wrong thing, you can be ostracized, or even lose your friends, your family, and your career.

One thing Jesus never was, was quiet about issues. Jesus was frustrated with the Zealots, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and others – and I think he would be frustrated today as well.

Jesus did not worry about offending people. Jesus did not worry about disagreeing with people. Even those in power, those who were popular, or those who had influence over others, at the time. He spoke the truth. The absolute, black and white truth.

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