Five Minute Friday | Pastors and Sexual Temptation

While it didn’t just happen yesterday, I recently learned of mega-pastor, Carl Lentz of Hillsong in New York, getting fired because he had an affair. And it seems this was not a one-night kind of thing, rather than he had some history here. Of course, following that, I read the typical comments about mega-churches, mega-pastors, famous people, money, greed, sin, sex, and all the standard stuff that follows one of these high-profile incidents.

It seems that people enjoy piling on when there is a public incident like this, and people enjoy an opportunity to slam the church, any church, and to slam pastors (especially high-profile pastors). It seems that people enjoy seeing them fall. It seems that people enjoy pointing out the perceived hypocrisy that they see in others, and again especially in high-profile pastors.

Maybe there is a different way we could be thinking about these situations and how we respond…

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