Five Minute Friday | Love Your Wife Well

Gentlemen, you need to love your wife well. As men, we hear that. We nod. We agree. Yes, that’s what we want to do. We want to be the kind of men who love our wives well. But how do we do that? It seems that it’s not very simple. With divorces in the news and on our newsfeeds every day, with the family structure being broken apart in the headlines, with men being told they’re optional – not even needed in a family, with so much going on, it seems like far too many men are struggling with the knowing how to love their wives well.

Sometimes we fall into the trap of looking for the latest and greatest strategies. We look for new courses, videos, and podcasts that will finally give us the tips and guidance needed. We ache for the book that will just tell us what to do- and we’ll follow it. We want the most current plans to implement so that we can be a great husband, so that we can be the man who loves his wife well. We just want to know how.

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