Five Minute Friday | How To Get Into Heaven

How and why should you pass through the pearly gates?

Death is inevitable. Despite some protest against this reality, we all know it to be true. One day, we are all going to die. We are all going to facing that moment of truth. We are all going to stand at the pearly gates and we’re going to have to give an account of our lives.

We are going to explain what we did, why we did what we did, and it might expose some stuff we had hoped would have stayed hidden. It might reveal some times when we treated someone poorly, or when we spoke – not words of inspiration – but words of destruction to someone else. It might reveal all sorts of things that we wish we never said or did.

And of course we look forward to all the positive moments being revealed as well. The times we helped those less fortunate, when we gave of our money, our time, and our possessions to others who we knew needed those resources more than we did. Or the times when we stood up to an injustice that we saw taking place, even when standing up cost us friends. Or the times when we did the right thing, even though no one was looking, no one saw what we were doing, and we didn’t post about it on social media.

All of that will be taking place there at those pearly gates. But then, there might be an interesting question posed towards you. You might get asked about the question of how and why it is that you should pass through the gates at all.

And this could be a tricky question for you, though it’s not meant as a trick question. When you think about that question, why you should pass through, how it is that you should be one to pass through, where do your thoughts go at first?

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