Five Minute Friday | Hope Lives

When Jesus died on the cross, people were filled with confusion, fear, and despair. His disciples were afraid for their own lives, and they went into hiding. Jesus had told them he would die, but they did not believe him. After all, he was their king, the one who would change everything, and now he was dead. So now what were they to do?

For three years, they had walked by his side, following him, witnessing miracles, seeing countless lives changed, seeing things they had difficulty even understanding. But now? He was gone. They were without purpose and without hope.

But, what happened next?

The Fellowship Brotherhood

An exclusive community of like-minded Christian men, who meet each week to learn, laugh, hold each other accountable, and walk through life together.

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Four days and three nights of life-changing and intense training for Christian men in the glorious mountains of Colorado.

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