Five Minute Friday | Fear Not

There is a common thread that runs throughout the Bible. That common thread is a message that we need, more than ever, these days. That common thread is one that seems very counter-cultural in the world we live in right now. And what is that common thread that we need? It is God telling us to Fear Not.

As humans, we’re fragile. We get hurt. We get sick. We die. We get cuts, and scrapes, and bruises. We’re not a very physically strong species, especially when compared to others roaming and swimming around on this pale blue dot we call home.

Beyond that, we have politicians and leaders who are telling us to be afraid and who benefit personally when we are afraid. They tell us to fear the changing world, to fear funding cuts, to fear funding additions, to fear temperatures getting colder, to fear temperatures getting warmer, to fear the other political party, to fear more and more – and of course they themselves are the ones who have the solutions, if only we would vote for them and give them our hard earned money.

And beyond the political and physical, we have insecurities. We have doubts. We have questions. We get worried, and concerned, and upset, and depressed, and anxious. We wonder what other people think about us. Our minds can often be a battlefield of these thoughts.

It is to this physical fragility, to this mental and emotional fragility that the common thread is the antidote. Our LORD tells us, over and over, and over again, to Fear Not. God tells us to not be afraid, angels appear and tell people to not be afraid, Jesus tells men and women to not be afraid.

Why is this so common? Why does the message of not being afraid run through the pages of the Bible? And how does this apply to our lives today? Is there a point beyond just telling people to fear not?

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