Five Minute Friday | Do Not Steal What, Exactly?

Do Not Steal What Exactly? Most of us know the Commandment, “Do Not Steal”, even non-Christians have heard it, but many may not have taken into consideration the full meaning of this incredibly powerful commandment. It’s easy to look at the others and make a quick comparison. After all, I know for sure that I have never murdered someone, so I get to have the positive ego check of telling myself I’m doing well.

But, what exactly does do not steal encompass? Well, it encompasses an awful lot more than many might realize at first glance. And there is a reason it covers so much more than we might think.

When we look at this verse, it is one of the short ones, simple Do not steal, or you shall not steal. Notice what’s missing. In Exodus, where the ten commandments are written, there isn’t a list of what you cannot steal. There isn’t even a hint of what you are forbidden from stealing. And that means only one thing. You cannot steal anything that belongs to, or is part of, another person.

Our first thought is always to jump to material goods, to not stealing the stuff, the possessions, of someone else. And yes, that is absolutely covered here. You are not to steal the property of someone else. From their land, to their livestock, to their house, to anything in the house, and anything else they own; if it is their private property, you cannot steal it. That seems pretty cut and dry.

However, the commandment does not stop with material goods, and that’s where we need to really think about this one. Like I said earlier, it’s easy to say I’ve never broken the commandment about murder, but maybe I have to understand this commandment on a deeper level before I confidently say I’ve never broken this one as well.

Do not steal is, in fact, so all-encompassing that some commentators say it could be a summary of all the commandments on the second tablet. So what exactly are we not allowed to steal? 

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