Five Minute Friday | COVID Exposes Authoritarianism

Guys, this week is going to be different. The five-minute Friday segment is always just me, sharing my thoughts on various issues. And today I’m going to talk about something that might be controversial, though it’s not my intention to do so. Rather it’s that the subject itself can be these days.

This will be my first episode that directly speaks about something COVID related. I’ve had guests on that have touched on the topic, and I may have mentioned it a time or two, but it has never been the focus of an entire episode. Well, today that changes. Today I’m talking about an aspect of this pandemic that has not gotten enough coverage and needs to be discussed more. And that is how the response to COVID has exposed the authoritarian nature of far too many people.

First, yes I think COVID is a very real illness. Individuals and families all over the globe have been dealing with the impact that COVID, the disease has had, even sadly losing many loved ones. COVID is quite real. In our strange social media world, I wanted to make that point right up front.

And COVID has also shown that governments and individuals are far too willing to bend to the authoritarian and totalitarian natures, which I honestly did not think were so prevalent here in the United States. I admit that I thought, and expected, the opposite, the desire for freedom, to be true.

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