Five Minute Friday | A Christian Memorial Day

Is Memorial Day really about mattress sales, a day off work, and BBQ? Or, is there something more that we should remember?

Make sure that you stop and think about what this day is truly about. Young men and women, for generations, were asked to be willing to give up their lives so that we can live free. And for generations, young men and women have answered that call.

In the wars and military actions that have been fought over those generations, the sacrifices that too many of those men and those women have paid can never be fully comprehended by us and never can be repaid by us. We may intellectually understand, but we can never fully do so.

We can never fully understand what they have sacrificed, because of their dedication and love for this nation, and because of their love for the freedoms we often take for granted daily. There is no option for us to understand and repay that sacrifice.

A verse that comes to mind, when thinking of our soldiers and Memorial Day is John 15:12-14,

“This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.”

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