Dustin Johnson | Living a Transformed Life

For some people, their transformations as Christians happens slowly, over years and decades. For others, there is a specific moment in time when that transformation took place. Our guest today has such a story. He went from running in a direction away from Jesus to running with Jesus and his life has never been the same.

Dustin Johnson is on a mission to help as many people as possible live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. He currently travels full time in a luxury RV with his wife and dog, coaching nutrition and fitness online along the way. Battling addiction and poor choices, Dustin had a salvation by Christ Jesus that changed his path and has him wanting to share his testimony to the world. Dustin is making impacts he never thought possible and is showing others they can do it too.

Questions Answered:

  • How has your life been transformed in the last six to eight months?

  • With such a change, who did you used to be?

  • How did you and your wife make the decision to live in a bus?

  • What was it like for you going through the low points of life?

  • Can a man be too far gone to be redeemed by God?

  • How did you find new people to walk through life with now?

  • How has your wife responded to the changes in your life?

  • What’s it like to be on the same page as your wife with life changes?

  • Does it work to be the lone wolf?

  • What does it mean to be useable for the Kingdom of God?

  • If someone has no money to give, can they still be used by God?

  • How did you change from being angry to where you are today?

  • In what ways has forgiveness changed your life?

  • Why should men give it a real chance to give their lives to Jesus?

Important Links:

Connect with Dustin on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/thedustinjohnson

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