
David Dusek | Isolation and the Christian Man

One of the most important things is for Christian men to have friends. And one of the most dangerous things is for him to live in isolation. My guest today is David Dusek, and we discuss the critical issues of friendship, accountability, isolation, and how our wives fit into this conversation.

David Dusek’s mission is to encourage and equip men to live their lives for Christ. He utilizes his life experiences – including his upbringing in a non-Christian home, coming to Christ as an adult, and an extensive business background – to reach men in a way that they can understand.  David’s vision is to engage all men where they are the “other six days of the week”—not just in church.

David is the founder of Rough Cut Men Ministries, which is primarily a live, interactive men’s experience using a strategic combination of action movie sequences, real world current events, Biblical truth and fireteam-sized discussion times with a single, laser focused objective: To get men talking about what’s really going on in their lives.  David travels around the country, and the world, using the Rough Cut Men Movie Experience to get men to be transparent with one another and with Jesus.

Questions Answered:

  • How is isolation of men one of Satan’s key missions?
  • How to respond when thinking, “no one else can understand”?
  • How can isolation keep us from seeking?
  • What does it mean that ministry can be unfriendly and unsafe to men?
  • What do you hear when you hear a guy say, “I’m fine”?
  • Why is it a “have to” instead of a “nice to” to not live in isolation?
  • How does a man go about building a friendship?
  • Why is it not sufficient for a wife to be a man’s friend?
  • Is it adding a burden to a wife for her to be this type of friend to her husband?
  • How is social media impacting the issue of friendship for men?
  • Are you willing to share some of what happened with your son and the importance of having a good friend to walk through that time with?
  • What do men need to ask themselves about their current state of their friendships?
  • How does accountability make your life better?
  • Why do we need to remember we operate at the Forward Operating Base?

Important Links:

Learn about Rough Cut Men here.

Buy the Rough Cut Men book here.

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