
David Frey | High Value Husband

As husbands, we want to improve. We want to get better. We want to become a high value husband. But how do we do that, and what does that even mean? 

My guest today, David Frey, is an expert on this topic and he shares his great thoughts and insights with us.

David has been married to his wife for 34 years. They are the parents of two beautiful adult children. David is the author of the book titled, “301 Ways to Be a High Value Husband” and the creator of the “Communicate to Connect” program. He is the Founder of a marriage education company and the High Value Husbands coaching program. And David has been researching the science of successful communication and relationships for many years.

Questions Answered:

  • What is a High Value Husband?
  • Why is the topic of ownership so important in being a better husband?
  • What are some of the critical skills for husbands to learn?
  • How does a husband learn how to validate the feelings of his wife?
  • Why does a man want his wife to desire him?
  • Is it important for a husband to study his own wife?
  • What happens if a husband tries to change for his wife instead of for himself?
  • How does following Jesus help us become a high value husband?
  • Is it possible for a husband to change his wife?
  • How does the mirror effect work in a marriage?
  • How does praise help in a marriage?
  • How does Jesus treat the people he loves the most, and how does that help a man to become a high value husband?

Important Links:

Connect with David at: https://www.facebook.com/dfrey


Find David’s book here: https://www.amazon.com/301-Ways-High-Value-Husband/dp/1931740003

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