
Randall Ham | Ministering to Incarcerated Men

Prison ministry can be one of the most challenging, and most rewarding types of ministry. And there are unique issues with this calling. My guest today is Randall Ham, who has years of experience with ministering to incarcerated men.

Randall Ham is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and former Marine Drill Instructor, who is passionate about ministering to incarcerated men through the Kairos Prison Ministry organization. He has also served as a member of his city’s governmental body, worked in various volunteer organizations, and is an active member of his church. He resides in Alabama with his wife Lisa.

Questions Answered:

  • How did you end up with a passion for ministering to incarcerated men?
  • What stereotype of prisoners do we need to change?
  • What does redemption look like for a man who is in prison for life?
  • Are there men who are in prison for life, but who feel like they are free?
  • Does Paul’s writing hit differently for men who are in prison?
  • Can you share a story of an incarcerated man who has had his life changed by ministry?
  • How should victims and family members of victims think about these topics?
  • What is it like being friends with men who have committed serious crimes?
  • How does someone get involved in prison ministry?
  • How does doing this work change a person?
  • Why does it seem that an incarcerated man can surrender to God easier than a man on the outside?
  • How do incarcerated men deal with the concept of coming to church as they are?
  • Did Jesus instruct us to visit men in prison and minister to them?
  • How can people help if they don’t want to go inside the actual prison?

Important Links:


Learn about Kairos Prison Ministry here.


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