


Join forces with a brotherhood of men who share your values and worldview, and who are living the lives God created them to live.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11


An Exclusive Mastermind Group for Christian Men

The Significant Man Fellowship is more than just encouragement and accountability, it is an active and intentional mastermind just for Christian men seeking more in this life.

The Fellowship is a group of men who are committed to working on themselves, to improve as husbands, to improve as fathers, to improve as leaders, to deepen their faith… 

… all while understanding that Jesus is the foundation that makes everything possible.

The men in the Fellowship take our roles seriously, we know how important it is that we work hard to improve, to learn, to lead, and to become more. We do not take this responsibility lightly, and we know that, through the gifts God has given us, we will impact generations.

Who Should Not Apply

The Significant Man Fellowship is not for every man. In fact, we suspect most men are not a good fit for this exclusive group. Here is who should not apply:

  • Men who don’t have any problems
  • Men who don’t want to get better as husbands
  • Men who don’t want to improve as fathers
  • Men who don’t need better friendships
  • Men who are not willing to invest in themselves
  • Men who are not willing to take action on what they learn
  • Men who think they can figure everything out on their own

If any of that describes you, the Fellowship is probably not a good fit for you right now. But if you know that it is time to leave those things behind, then you need to apply to join us today.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. – Hebrews 10:25

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. – Proverbs 13:20

How To Join The Fellowship:


This is where it begins. Today is one of those moments you may long remember. Today is when you can make a significant choice about the rest of your life and about following the path that God may have set before you.

As you may have noticed, there is no Register Button, as there is no open enrollment for this mastermind group. THE FELLOWSHIP is not for every man, so this simple application form is how to take the next step forward.

Fill in the short application below right now, and then click the I Want To Schedule My Call button and start down this new path.

    What is your full name?

    What is your best email address?

    What is your cell phone number?

    As a Christian man, what is your primary challenge in life right now?

    What would make the Significant Man Fellowship the perfect mastermind for you?

    What are you most looking forward to in the Fellowship?
    Weekly teaching from WarrenRelating to more of the BibleConnecting with like-minded menPrivate community

    Which area of your life needs the most attention?
    Improving my parentingImproving my marriageImproving my financesGrowing in my faith

    What is the most important question you need to have answered, if you have an interview to join the Fellowship?

    How have you invested your time, energy, and money in yourself as a husband and as a father in the past?

    Are you committed to showing up and to fully participate in the Fellowship?

    Will the monthly investment of $65 cause your family financial difficulty?

    If you were referred here, please enter the person's name here:

    After you send your application, it will be reviewed and if it seems like there is a good match then you’ll be scheduled for a short in-person Zoom interview with Warren (the founder of Significant Man Ministries, and the leader of The Fellowship) where he will ask you some more questions, discuss some of the logistics, and you can ask him anything about the group that you wish to know.

    We understand that this is an extra step; however keeping this a small group of men who are committed to the best community possible is our expectation.

    Why Men Join The Fellowship:

    It is not a decision to take lightly, so here are some of the reasons why men make the choice to invest in themselves and join The Fellowship:

    The Fellowship Mini-FAQ:

    We are dedicated to providing a curated and select group of like-minded, committed Christian men who themselves are dedicated to becoming who God wants them to be. That means that the group is not going to be a good fit for everyone, and applying to join us is the first step to getting started.

    The Fellowship meets every Wednesday evening, at 7PM (Mountain Time) for approximately 90 minutes, using Zoom.

    Yes, all our weekly calls take place over Zoom. You need a quiet place to talk, where your camera and mic will work well. 

    After analyzing other groups, we found many that were into the hundreds of dollars every month. And after careful consideration, we determined that the Fellowship would be $65 (USD) per month.

    We understand that some men will not be able to afford this option, and know that our free online posts and our free podcast provides great alternative resources. 

    While it seems that having a private Facebook Group is the most popular thing to do, we have made the conscious choice to NOT create a private FB group for the Fellowship.

    Within our own Christian Men’s Community, we have a private section just for the men of the Fellowship. So members can use that to share updates with the group, to message members individually, and so on, but there is no FB group.

    We think it is time to start separating from the older social media companies and we want our members to have control over their experience. 

    Warren Peterson is an author, mentor, and the leader of Significant Man BASECAMP live events.

    He is the teacher for the weekly content that is discussed within the Significant Man Fellowship. Some weeks, it is content he has written and created, other weeks he will be teaching from content developed by others.

    He is the host of the Significant Man RECHARGE podcast, which is focused on issues at the heart of the crossroads between Christianity and culture.

    He is the author of several books including the Tactical Guide to the Bible, Jesus: Man to Man, and Becoming a Significant Man.

    He is the founder of Significant Man Ministries, and the CEO of Significant Life, LLC.

    There is no contractual agreement to the Fellowship. While we intend this serves our members for years, we understand that times and situations change and members may need to cancel.

    Just let us know, and we’ll let you know how to cancel your membership (you cancel directly in PayPal). Your brothers in the Fellowship and we will be sad to see you go, but you can cancel at any time.

    The Fellowship is an ongoing monthly mastermind organization. As such, there are no refund for prior months that have already been paid for.

    If you wish to cancel, just let us know. No one is locked into any long term contract.